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Saturday, October 20, 2012

Master Cleanse - 12 Days Down, (Almost) No More To Go

"If you don't wake up every morning believing that you're the luckiest person alive then you had better re-focus on what's truly important in life."
 - Chucky - The Fat Vegetarian

Hello!  Let's did every available smile and warm memory from this day, shall we?

Day #13. Tiffany and I trek towards a new normal healthy eating regiment this day.  Smaller portions, better choices, more organic, less GMO, more raw, processed-free, and generally placing into our bodies what truly should belong.

We both feel GREAT!  Happy, healthy and ready to take on the world of health.  If the cleanses accomplished but a single thing it would be a mental reset towards a true goal of health.  I've always believed that the mind is your biggest prescription pill. 

The five lunch choices (alphabetically) that I gave to Tiffany today are:  (1) Ethos Vegan Kitchen, (2) Green Day Cafe, (3) The Loving Hut, (4) Thuyen Vien, or (5) Wheat Berry Café.  Subject to change, The Loving Hut will probably win today.  On a good note?  None of these are a wrong choice!  :)

Dinner tonight?  Hmm...

Hi-dee hi-dee I-love-my-life-how-'bout-you-ho my friend?

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