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Friday, April 29, 2011

Psst... Chucky's Sharing Today

Howdy everyone!  I hope that you're hanging around life's edge doing cartwheels.

Vibrant Life

I'm sitting here in front of the world 'o web staring at a little of this and a little of that when a blog ideal struck me like lightening.  I just found three web sites that appeared to have numerous fabulous vegetarian recipes.


I know, I know...  "Not another web site, Chucky!"  "Between the blogosphere, the cookbooks and the internet I'm inundated.  Stop!  Please."  Sorry.

Now ~ I don't expect everyone to rush to these sites and grab every recipe listed.  However, if you're like me you will gain ideals or perhaps find a gem among the recipes listed.  The sites that I wish to share with you today are as follows:

Should the above links cease to exist in the future, shoot me a comment and I'll research the updated web address.  Do you know of some fabulous healthy, vegan, or vegetarian recipe sites to share with my friends?  Don't be shy.  Please, please leave a comment below to share with us.

Oh, my!  Got to run!  I have a wedding and a space shuttle launch to catch today!  If I'm late, Kate and Will are never going to forgive me.  And those astronauts?  Let me just say that you never wanna see that bunch of moon rock collectors mad!

Hi-dee hi-dee share-a-good-thing-with-a-friend-ho my friend!

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