Saturday, August 27, 2011

White Wine Tasting Sheet (Blank)

"The goal is to transform data into information, and information into insight."
 - Carly Fiorina, former Hewlett-Packard executive and president

Greetings to one and all!  Ah... Can you smell that?  It's the beautiful crisp and clean smell of a weekend.  Enjoy and savor my friend.

Remember my friends… Don’t drink too much
wine or you will end up in bed fully clothed!

Yesterday I shared the Red Wine Tasting Sheet.  Today I am posting the White Wine Tasting Sheet.

How do you use this sheet to rate your own wines?  Here are the basic steps:
  1. Swirl - To open up the wine.
  2. Sniff - Stick your nose into the glass taking big multiple whiffs.
  3. Sip - Take a good long taste and swirl the wine completely over the palate.  After the complexities have taken their course, repeat over and over again.
  4. Each section (Nose Intensity, Flavor Intensity, Flavor Characteristics, Balance, and Length) each has a maximum score.  25 points for Flavor Intensity, 10 points for Flavor Characteristics, and 5 points for all other sections.
  5. Total up your scoring for all five (5) sections.
  6. Add 50 points just to make it a 100 point scale and you'll have your rating.
I do have some suggestions:
  • If more than one of you is scoring a wine, don't discuss or share until everyone is done.  It keeps each person honest and you will be shocked at not only the differences but also the common notes.
  • Don't read the wine label until after you've completed the rating process.  Pre-reading the wine bottle's back label can influence what you smell and taste.  Don't cheat!  Keep it honest.  If you cheat, you are only cheating yourself.
  • You scores are neither right nor wrong.  Just because I like a wine doesn't mean that you're going to like it.  Respect each others opinion and openly share your thoughts.
Hi-dee hi-dee remember-to-chill-your-white-wines-ho my friend.

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